Highest paid, Best Working conditions (Gangnam)
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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by UP Prep SAT, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
School Name: UP Prep SAT ( www.upprep.co.kr )
Contact Info: Dragon Kim (Director of School)
kmy00007@naver.com / 82-10-2459-8661
Job Location: Gangnam Station, Seoul
(10 seconds from Gangnam Station)
Salary: 3.0m ~ 4.0m (Base Salary)
Working Hours: 1PM ~ 10PM (M-F) 10AM-5PM (SAT)
Start Date: ASAP (We recruit teachers 365 days)
Student Level: 9th Graders ~ 12th Graders
Open Position: 1 (Science Teacher)
Teaching Hours: Up to 120 hours per month
1) Housing Allowance (0.5m / month)
2) Paid Holiday (10 days for Summer & Winter
+ 1 day per month - for personal issues)
* No work for all national holidays.
3) Annual salary raise (10% ~ 50%)
4) One way airfare, National pension , Health insurance.
* We have a plan to make our school to be
the International Academy by 2020 ~ 2021.
* Our current teachers have Bachelor's degree
from top class universities such as Harvard and Princeton.
Some teachers have Doctor's degree.
* Our students are from 9th graders to 12th graders.
Most of them are top 5% students in Korea.
---------------------------------------------------------------- [Job Description]
You will teach SAT Subject / AP Science (Chemistry, Physics, and Biology)
You may teach Math (SAT Subject, AP Calculus & Statistics).
Must hold Bachelor's Degree from Top 60 Universities in the U.S.
Prefer Engineering or Science Major.
Average teaching hours for our teachers: 3 ~ 4 hours / day.
As we mentioned above, we would establish International Academy (School)
by 2020 ~ 2021. We already have top class teachers and consultants.
Director of school : Dragon Kim (Kim Jong Un impersonator)
-> https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=acpDD4eNeh8
Any question? e-mail : kmy00007@naver.com / Kakao: upprep / mobile: 82-10-2459-8661