South West Academy
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South West Academy
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by South West Academy, apply now for this great job to teach English in Ethiopia. More job details below.
About the Job
Immediate VACANCY!!!South West Academy is a private school situated in a relatively developed suburb of Addis Ababa, which was officially inaugurated in August 2007. Consequently, the school is seeking to recruit more than ten appropriately qualified native English speakers to fill full-time ESL teaching positions.
The potential applicant will be considered for communicative English teaching which focuses on spoken English, literature, reading, spelling, and comprehension skills. ESL teachers focus less on grammar. As an ESL teacher, one may have up to 25 periods teaching in a week and 15 periods for planning and exercise book checking. The daily duty runs from 8:00am to 3:00pm.
The school provides furnished accommodation where ESL teachers share a living room and get individual bedrooms and bathrooms. At the end of a one year contract the school reimburses US $1,000 for airfare. The school currently has over 1300 students and levels that run from KG to pre-college classes. Interested applicants may send their cover letter, CV and a recent photograph. Further detailed information will be sent to the applicant up on request.
Addis is a great place to live, gaining the status of most livable province in Ethiopia. Cost of living is low here, whilst quality of life is high. Come and join us! It will be a wonderful experience!
Skills Required:
B.A or B. ScBrowse related jobs
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