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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by MBC KIDS N WISE, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Hello to all applicants. My name is John F. Kim and I am currently the ProgramDirector and Head Teacher for this brand new establishment that will be
opening in March 2009.
I am currently looking for 1 more teacher at this point in time. Most of all, I am
looking for teachers that are experienced with the mentality of team oriented,
hardworking and the most important factor that labels a teacher, "the love to
teach young preschool kids."
This new establishment that will be opening in March 2009 is called MBC Kids
N Wise . I have already at this current moment aquired at least 7 teachers, but
still looking for 1 more qualified and well prep instructor by the end of
February. It can also be a part time teacher too.
Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 10:00-2:30 and then 4:00-5:30 Tue and Thur 10:00-2:30
and then 4:00-6:10. There's a lot of break time including lunch break also.
Salary:Depending on experience
Housing Allowance: 400,000won
Key Deposit: 5,000,000mil or we can find you a place near by the school
Airfare and Benefits are all included
I am eager to hear from all you applicants as soon as possible, so that I can
set up an interview process for future reference. For more detail and
information, you can call me on my mobile phone. My number is 019-9207-1111
or land phone, which is 02-547-0957. Hope to hear from all you applicants as
soon as possible.
Program Director / Head Teacher: John F. Kim
Email: johnkim562000@yahoo.com
Websites: www.mbckids.co.kr and www.mbccamp.com
Skills Required:
1-2 Years of ExperienceBrowse related jobs
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