Hot ESL job (2.5 mil won+ Full benefit & Housing)in Korea

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by EnativeKorea777, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.

About the Job


★★★Hot ESL job (2.5 mil won/month+ Full benefit & Housing) in South Korea★★★
**job description**
-Location: Cheonju-si
-Starting date: June 1st, 2009
-Teaching day: Mon Friday
-Working Hours: 12:40PM ~ 7:20PM
-Teaching Time: 1:20PM ~ 7:10PM
-Student type: Elementary(Age 7~13)
-Class size: 4~7

-Pay: 2.5 mil won/month
-Housing: A furnished Single accommodation
-Severance pay: 2.5 mil won
-Round trip airfare: Yes
-Medical Insurance: Yes
-Paid vacation: 10 days/year

*Needed documents to get an E-2 Visa(Teaching Visa);
1. A copy of valid passport(front page-photo & information)
2. Original diploma or a copy of diploma which is certified by korean consulate in your area.
3. A sealed transcript(do not open) from your university.
4. Formal resume(must be your photo, home phone no and home address)
5. 4 recent photos(passport size)
6. A signed employment contract
7. E-2 Applicant`s Health Statement
8. A certificate of Police Criminal Check by apostille

Please send me your resume with recent photo and contact no if you are interested in this position.
Then I'll contact you asap for an interview.

Contact: Patrick
Office: 031-349-9033
Cell: 010-2403-9033




Skills Required:

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