Kindergarten English Homeroom Teacher Needed
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International I School Kindergarten
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by International I School Kindergarten, apply now for this great job to teach English in Japan. More job details below.
About the Job
Kindergarten English Homeroom Teacher Needed in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture and Fukuoka City, Japan
International I School Kindergarten
We are looking for passionate professional teachers, who love their work and have a desire to see their students succeed.
We especially want teachers who enjoy the challenges presented when teaching young children. The positions will start in March/April 2018.
International I School Kindergarten currently has 2 schools open.
Our original school is based in Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture and our newer school is located in Fukuoka City. The schedule depends on the work location.
General Job Descriptions
International I School Kindergarten is located in Kurume city and Fukuoka city, Fukuoka. The students are aged between 2 and 6 and are taught in English. International I School Kindergarten was established in 1990. We currently have 15 native English speaking teachers on staff.
Teachers are scheduled to work 25 - 30 teaching hours per week. 15 - 20 hours, you would be teaching your homeroom kindergarten class, and the remaining hours, you would be teaching ESL classes (Mainly toddler, kindergarten and elementary kidsf classes), possibly in other locations. All the kindergarten lessons are co-taught with licensed Japanese kindergarten teachers so it is not necessary for you to have a Japanese teaching license.
There are three main paid holidays;
About 2 weeks in summer (Completely off)
(As the kindergarten in closed for about a month, most teachers have half days of teaching during that time)
About 2 weeks in winter (Completely off)
If you are re-contracted, you will also have about a week off in spring (Completely off)
Extra Requirements
As International I School is a kindergarten, there are events, such as Sports Day and Winter Presentation that may require your attendance beyond your scheduled hours. (Usually on a weekend) These occur approximately 5 times per year.
4 year degree / Teaching license or experience (preferred)
240,000 yen per month + Completion bonus of 120,000 yen
Apartments are arranged for teachers. The rent is between 40,000 yen and 50,000 yen depending on the size and the age of the apartment.
Although it may sound like a lot of responsibility, teaching at our kindergarten in incredibly rewarding and exciting experience.
If you donft mind hard work and you truly love children, then this will be the perfect job for you. However, if you donft love children and you would just like a chance to travel and experience living in Japan, then this may not be a good position for you.
Yuki Tanaka
International I School Kindergarten
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