we need esl teachers in tianjin
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yuming education
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by yuming education, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Yu Ming education center is in Tianjin, where is not far from Beijing. This year China have hold the Olympic games. So Tianjin have a great developed. Tianjin is a beautiful city in China. Many foreign teachers join with YuMing center . And all of foreign teacher enjoy in YuMing. YuMing have a strong foreign teacher team. It enjoys a great reputation both with students and our teachers. We pay our teachers on time and even set up a Chinese bank account for them. Our center pay is higher in tianjin. Pay is distributed monthly by direct deposit and all Visa and pay issues are handled legally and above board. Teach with the education leader, Teach with Yu Ming! Welcome more teachers come to our center.Our website:www.teachintianjin.comHighlights: We recruit native English speakers no exception. Our Teachers enjoy great pay that is always paid on time and deposited electronically to your bank account. We allow our teachers to use their own teaching methods or they may take advantage of ideas from our teacher workshop at the beginning of each semester. Yu Ming offers teachers two pay packages to choose from. You may choose to be compensated hourly or you may opt for a fixed monthly salary that includes an apartment and a yearly bonus or return air ticket to your home country. No knowledge of the Chinese language is required.
Cost Include Description:
● Credit Available: Contract 1 year or 6 months full time teaching: 20 to 30 teaching hours per week, more than 9000~14000RMB/month, provide a health insurance,(our center pay the money) for teacher 2 hours free course of traditional dance, calligraphy, kongfu, traditional Chinese drawing or primal chaos, 2 hours free Chinese language training per week. We will pick you up at Beijing. (the free courses according to our center schedule)
● Contract 1 year full time teacher: pay 5000RMB per month, at least 20 teaching hours per week, Free accommodations(equipped with TV, kitchen, washer, internet and bathroom) , a return air ticket, provide a health insurance(our center pay the money), 2 hours free course of traditional dance, traditional Chinese drawing, calligraphy, kongfu or primal chaos. Our center will provide 2 hours free Chinese language training per week. We will pick you up at Beijing. (the free courses according to our center schedule)
Free courses: 2 hours free course of traditional dance, calligraphy, kongfu, traditional Chinese drawing or primal chaos, 2 hours free Chinese language training per week. (The free courses according to our teaching schedule)
E-mail: yumingjiaoyu88@yahoo.com or yumingjiaoyu88@hotmail.com
NOTE: YuMing Education Center only use these two mailboxes receiving and reply E-mail, other mailboxes do not belong to our center to use. The foreign teachers please pay attention.
Tel: 86-22-89989986 86-22-23394188 86-13132058285
Skills Required:
Highlights: We recruit native English speakers no exception. Our Teachers enjoy great pay that is always paid on time and deposited electronically to your bank account. We allow our teachers to use their own teaching methods or they may take advantage of ideas from our teacher workshop at the beginning of each semester. Yu Ming offers teachers two pay packages to choose from. You may choose to be compensated hourly or you may opt for a fixed monthly salary that includes an apartment and a yearly bonus or return air ticket to your home country. No knowledge of the Chinese language is required.Browse related jobs
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