Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture
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Logan Chuang
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Logan Chuang, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture is situated in the downtown part of the famous Chinese garden city of Suzhou, about 50 miles west of Shanghai. The school celebrated its 100th anniversary on November 11,2008.1. School profile
Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture is situated in the downtown part of the famous Chinese garden city of Suzhou, about 50 miles west of Shanghai. The school celebrated its 100th anniversary on November 11,2008.
The school is a full-time institution of higher education authorized by the Government of Jiangsu Province and registered with the Ministry of Education. With the number of 7000 students on campus, the institute has 6 departments conferring associate degrees with 3-year programs in areas of gardening, biology, engineering, accounting, electronics, English, Japanese, the humanities, etc.
The school hires 3 international English teachers to teach English as a foreign language in courses of speaking, writing, reading and listening. Candidates are required to come from countries where English is used as the first or official language and have a minimum bachelorfs degree preferably in English or TESOL.
2. Benefits
2.1 Salary
(1) 4000 yuan RMB icurrent exchange rate: US$1=7 RMB yuanjper month for 12 periods (45 minutes per period) a week, 4400 yuan RMB per month for 14 periods a week; 4800 yuan RMB per month for 16 periods a week;5200 yuan RMB per month for 18 periods a week; 5600 yuan RMB per month for 20 periods a week ; 6000 yuan RMB per month for 22 periods a week ; 6400 yuan RMB per month for 24 periods a week .
(2) 3300 yuan RMB per month for winter and summer holidays (a total of 3 months a year);
(3) 3000 yuan RMB per year as travel allowance.
2.2 Accommodations
A free two-room furnished apartment with TV, washing-machine, refrigerator, air-conditioner, cooking set, internet access and utilities.
2.3 Medical care with a ceiling of 1500 yuan RMB per year.
2.4 One round-trip flight ticket provided each year.
3. Contact us
For information about our employment, please contact:
Foreign Affairs Office
Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture
279 Xiyuan Road
Suzhou, Jiangsu, 215008 China
Tel: +86-13391005255 (Mr. Fu), Email: (to Mr Fu)
Skills Required:
Jianghua FuSuzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture
279 Xiyuan Road
Suzhou, CN 215008
Fax: +86-512-65312898
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