College ESL Teacher 1200$/M in Guangdong--Official service from local Education Department

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by GESIE, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.

About the Job


Guangdong Education Service of International Exchanges (GESIE) is a subdivision of the Education Department of Guangdong Province in south China. With the approval of the Peoples Government of Guangdong Province, we provide abroad studying and international education exchange service since 1985 as the earliest official studying abroad agent in Guangdong province.

In 1998, we successfully get the approval from the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affairs, the P.R. of China and we are the only legal agent to introduce foreign expert work in Guangdong province.

All the teachers employed by our center will be sent to the universities, colleges or national owned high school. All the foreign teaching personnel will be distributed according to the united plan of Guangdong province education system.




Skills Required:
1. BA/BS degree or equivalent
2. TESOL/TEFL certificate is an asset
3. Native English speaker (from the USA, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Ireland preferred)
4. Experience in teaching English as a second language preferred
5. Personality:Enthusiastic, sense of humor, responsible, patient

Typical Salary and Benefits Package (sample)
1.        Salary from 6000 to 10000 RMB per month (before tax).
2.        Free apartment fully furnished with TV, Internet, air condition, water heater, bedroom and beddings provided.
3.        Medical insurance, accident insurance, social security insurance are provided by collage as related laws after the contract which length full year (2 semesters) or six months
4.        Holidays: all the statutory holidays specified by the Chinese government;
5.        Paid working visa, residence card and work permit
6.        Airport pick up. Airfares (economy class) are reimbursed, at the end of the contract.

please send us an email with the following content to at your earliest convenience:
1. Resume;
2. Current photo
3. Copy of passport page
4. Copy of your degree/diploma
5. Copy of TESOL certification or equivalent
6. Contact phone number;
7. When will you start?
Should you have any questions, please feel free to call Cynthia or Sophia at
We look forward to hearing from you!

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