Teach English in Daqing, a cleaner city! Work for EF English First.
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EF English First
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by EF English First, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
What Daqing City Has to OfferOur City
How is Daqing a better place to live than many other locations in China? Well, it is less polluted than most other cities (Beijing, Shanghai, Wu Han, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Harbin, etc.), it's up in northern China so the chance of catching certain Asian diseases decreases considerably, it is a location where people speak a pure form of China's official language, the cost of living is lower than other major centers, and the local government recently beautified the city in a bid to become the national example for the cleanest inland city (Daqing is an oil rich city, They spent a lot of money to make it look nice.)
The living Accommodations and Local Area
Working for us you would get an unshared apartment, which includes a TV, DVD player, fridge, washer (clothes), cooker, microwave, free heating, hot water, and a shower. The apartments for are teachers are near the school; you need only take the elevator down and walk for 1 to 4 minutes to get to school. The apartment block is across from a major shopping center. There are many restaurants within short walking distance from the school and apartments (1 to 6 minutes).
What EF English First Has to Offer
About EF English First
We are part of a network of 200 language schools operating in 16 countries. Our school is the first franchised owned school in China, open for more than six years. If you are worried about going to some unknown school, that is not associated with a large organization, that may have just opened, you can consider EF English First as your first choice for stability, fair treatment and respect. With our school established in Daqing for more than 6 years, you can consider us the safest choice.
Support at EF English First
EF English First schools are built to a standard design and have well equipped staff rooms, have friendly sales staff and excellent teacher support. Each school has both an Academic Manager and a Center Manager. The Director of Studies is a TEFL professional who manages and supports the teachers on a day-to-day basis. The Center Manager is a local businessperson responsible for the overall running of the school.
What you can do for us
Teach 20 hours per week and 26 hours per week during intensive periods (January, February, June, July, and August). Other responsibilities include lesson planning and preparation, social events, promotional events, demo lessons, placement testing, marking exams, filling out forms related to teaching and assessment, etc.
How to Apply
Please send your cover letter, resume and your photo via email to: aurele.doderai@live.com
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Act now! This overseas experience awaits you!
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