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Welcome Recruit
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Welcome Recruit, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Welcome Recruit is a professional recruiting company that places native English speakers in teaching positions in South Korea. We focus on the individual needs and concerns of our applicants. We currently work with hundreds of schools and institutions and have a variety of jobs available.
Job #72
* Job location: Po-Hang
* Start date: 03/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.3 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 3:00 to 9:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided (10 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 10 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* House is located 5 minutes from beach
Job #73
* Job location: Busan (Yang-jung)
* Start date: 04/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.2 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 9:30 to 5:00 or 10:00 to 6:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided (10 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 10 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
Job #74
* Job location: Kwng-ju (Near city hall)
* Start date: 04/2008
* Level: Adult
* Monthly salary: 2.1 million won
* Overtime: 15,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 9:30 to 11:00 and 5:00 to 9:30
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided (1 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 5 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* House is really nice 35 pyung apartment
Job #75
* Job location: Kwang-ju
* Start date: 04/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.0 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 3:00 to 8:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Very nice single housing provided (5 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 10 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* Teach two kindergarten classes
Job #76
* Job location: Busan (Ju-re)
* Start date: 07/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.2 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 3:00 to 9:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided (15 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 10 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* Good location near downtown Busan!!!
Job #77 (Looking for Couple)
* Job location: Kwang-ju (Chi-pyung-dong)
* Start date: 04/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.2 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 3:00 to 9:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided Loft overlooking living room, very nice!!
* Vacation: 8 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* Near new City Hall!!!
Job #78 (Looking for Couple)
* Job location: Kwang-ju (Un-am-dong)
* Start date: 04/2008
* Level: Elementary
* Monthly salary: 2.1 million won
* Overtime: 18,000 won per hour
* Class hours: 120 hrs/month 40 min classes work from 2:00 to 9:00
* Work days: Mon -Fri
* Class size: 10 students
* Housing: Single housing provided (15 min walk from school)
* Vacation: 8 days plus 14 national holidays
* Roundtrip airfare is provided
* Medical insurance is provided (50% Employer-Employee co-pay)
* Completion bonus of one month salary at end of 1 year contract
* 15 min from City Hall!!!
Skills Required:
Requirements:* A BA/BS degree from a 4 year institution
* Valid passport
* No criminal record
* Must be a native English speaker from one of the following countries: USA, Canada, England, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, or South Africa.
* An eagerness and willingness to experience a new culture
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