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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by ESLHOTJOBS, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
THE JOBYou will be teaching English to eager students. We focus exclusively on recruiting for institutes and schools that work with children, ranging from pre-school to high school.
Documents Needed
1. Passport
2. 4 Passport Size Photos
3. Medical / Drug Screen (Should state that you're healthy to travel, not a carrier of virus, and that you're not a narcotics user.
4. Police Record (MUST be at STATE level or higher. MUST get notarized and apostillized. MUST HAVE THE WORD APOSTILLE ON THE DOCUMENT.
5. Diploma and SEALED Transcripts (MUST be sealed)
Future applicants should be advised that the visa proccess and also the process of obtaining the neccessary documents take some time. State level criminal records take (depending on the State or Country) two days to eight weeks. Then you must have that document apostilled which on the apostille, the word APOSTILLE should be printed on it. For procedures to go smooth, it would be wise to start on those documents asap if you are seriously considering coming to Korea to teach English. A few years ago the visa process was so much easier, however, many foreigners came to Korea with counterfeit diplomas and were caught by the Board of Education. Also, there have been many drug busts dealing with foreigners. These events has caused the government to make knew laws for foreigners to obtain working visas in South Korea.
Skills Required:
QUALIFICATIONS- Bachelors Degree from US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Great Britain or Ireland
- Must be a Citizen of one of the above mentioned countries.
-Must be a Native English Speaker
-Must be in good Physical and Mental Health
-No Criminal Record
-Energetic (Great Personality)
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