Seeking ESL Teacher for Beijing
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YBM Education China
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by YBM Education China, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
YBM Education - Jianwai SOHOSalary RMB 12,000 per month
English Teaching
YBM is an international company with over 40 years experience teaching English to adult learners. Foreign owned and operated, we are the authorized provider of Microsoft MOS courses in the Beijing area, and the market leader in TOEIC / TOEFL test-preparation courses. Our office is located in Jianwai SOHO, just south of GuoMao subway.
Currently, we are in need of qualified and experienced individuals who WANT to teach English as a second language. Duties will also include materials development and level placement testing. Since the school focuses on educating young professionals, there aren't any kids classes available. And currently, all our classes run during the no need to teach on the weekends. We offer some of the best working conditions, we're hoping for some of the best applicants.
Skills Required:
All postions require:* Native speakers (US, UK, Canada, RSA, Aus, NZ)
* Previous English-teaching experience
* Professional work ethic
* Positive, active, out-going personality
* CELTA or equivalent highly preferred.
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