Full-Time Oral English Teacher Wanted (Mar. 2018 to Jan. 2019)
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Wuhan College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Wuhan College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Wuhan College of Foreign Languages and Foreign Affairs
★Full-Time Oral English Teacher Wanted (Mar. 2018 to Jan. 2019)
※ Position
School Location: No.1 Huang Jia Da Wan, East Lake, Wuhan, China
Student Age: 18 - 21
Class Size: Normally 35 students
Weekly workload: 18 - 20 teaching periods (From Monday to Friday)
Office Hour: No
Monthly Salary: 7000 - 8000 RMB
Airfare Reimbursement: 8000 RMB/Year
Travelling Allowance: 2200 RMB/Year
Accommodation: On Campus Apartment, Rent 3000 RMB/Month Paid by the College
Paid Holiday: Aug. Salary = 70% of Monthly Salary
1. Bachelor's degree (or higher) is a must;
2. ESL teaching experience 2yrs OR 120-Hour TESOL/TEFL;
3. Major in Education or Teaching is preferred;
4. Native English speaker
If it sounds appealing to you, please send your CV, recent photo and a short self-introdution video to the Email: alingyw1124@163.com