Teaching job in Shenyang city, China

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NewCastle Language Training School

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by NewCastle Language Training School, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.

About the Job


New Castle Language Institute  is currently looking for full time ESL teachers to join us. Our school is located in Changbai Island, which is the biggest ecological island in North China.  Our school is modern and well furnished with comfortable working environment(1000 square meters). We teach English to 3-12 year old kids. The classes are usually from 8 to 10 students.We seek a professional, dedicated teacher to join us. You must be a native speaker of English, and be educated to degree level. Loving spending time with kids is essential and teaching experience is a bonus. If you are interested, please contact Crystal_li0121@yahoo.com




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