Assistant Language Teacher for April 2008 Positions
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Heart English School Japan
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Heart English School Japan, apply now for this great job to teach English in Japan. More job details below.
About the Job
Are you looking for a rewarding social experience working as a teacher in Japan? Would you prefer the option of working within the Japanese Public School System? Follow Heart Corporation’s simple steps to becoming an Assistant Language Teacher!Many companies hiring teachers from abroad are part of the “Eikaiwa” or English Conversation School sector. These companies often offer small class sizes with ages ranging from pre-school children to retirees. Often teachers must work long and continuous hours within rigid guidelines. Teachers are then rewarded with just standard annual vacations.
Consider a different option. We give you a chance to become an essential asset within the Japanese Public School System. As you become an Assistant Language Teacher (ALT), you will be providing a vital key to the internationalization of Japanese youth and communities, while truly interacting with the community of the future, the children of Japan. We also offer lengthy vacations (up to 10 weeks off per year) giving you a great chance to explore Japan, experience culture, or to put your talents to other uses.
We are currently looking for quality candidates to fill our positions, commencing April 2008. Our client towns are spread out throughout the Kanto region (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Chiba, Saitama, and Gunma prefectures, and the Tokyo area), Tohoku region (Miyagi and Iwate) and Hokkaido.
In addition the Heart Corporation offers our teachers:
1) Proper Visa sponsorship from within Japan and abroad.
2) Permission to find additional work, within the specifications of your Visa.
3) Comprehensive training.
4) Optional company-arranged apartments.
5) Possibility of leasing a company car.
6) Every Semi-Full Time Employee, who remains at the Company for 12 months, will receive a yearly pay increase
1) Native-level English usage
2) BA/BS degree/its equivalent or higher
Heart English School / Heart Corporation
2-6-10 Chuo, Mito-shi, Ibaraki-ken
JAPAN 310-0805
Tel: 029-226-8010
Fax: 029-233-3455
Skills Required:
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