Full-time Substitute & 2nd Grade
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American School of Pachuca
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by American School of Pachuca, apply now for this great job to teach English in Mexico. More job details below.
About the Job
We are currently seeking 3 native-English speaking teachers - two full-time substitutes for primary and secondary, and a 2nd grade homeroom teacher. Substitutes will cover classes in various materials and levels when teachers are out sick. They will be provided with basic lesson plans and be expected to deliver dynamic and engaging lessons and manage the classroom during the permanent teacher´s absence. The 2nd grade teacher will teach a total of 21-22 contact periods of Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts to 2 groups of students daily.Salary
Skills Required:
Required min. 1 yr. teaching experience abroad, and B.A or B.S. in any field from accredited university. Prefer teachers certification and/or education degree for 2nd grade position. Prefer candidates between 24 and 45 years of age.Browse related jobs
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