HORIZONS hiring English/French teachers to teach children/adults in Rome, Italy
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HORIZONS Language Services
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by HORIZONS Language Services, apply now for this great job to teach English in Italy. More job details below.
About the Job
Part/full time positions available to teach small groups and individual classes to businesses, adults, teens and children. From January 2018
We provide training and teaching materials to work with toddlers, preschoolers and pre-teens making the teaching enjoyable and easy.
Please indicate if you have specialist background and are available to teach ESP (business, medicine, legal, etc.) or EAP courses (exam preparation).
Ideally you are a native English or French speaker or are bilingual having attended international, English-curriculum or French-curriculum primary, secondary schools or universities in the EU, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada and have a university degree, experience teaching children and/or adults. Must have E.U. citizenship or working papers to work in the E.U.
Please send your CV and two letters of reference to: info@horizons.ie