we seeking 12 ESL teachers in Jiangsu
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Jiangsu school
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Jiangsu school, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Teach English in Jiangsu Province,China We are urgently looking for 30 ESL teachers for teaching of orral English in our affiliated schools in Jiangsu Province in China.
We shall provide you very attractive package of compensation including the following:
1- fully furnished and comfortable apaprtment with computor and internet
2- 4,500 -5,000RMB/monthly for teaching of 16 real hour/week
3- reimbursment of your international round trip ticket
4- medical insurance
5- paid holiday
6- holiday allowance 7- work visa, residential permit 8- many more
Applicant must be native speaker of English and holding BA degree or equivalent. Start date is immediately and length of commitment from 6 months to 12 months.
If you are interested, please contact us for more details of our offer and requirements.
Very Truly Yours, Mrs Cherry Cui Tel.: 8610-13910675145, 6760 3066 , 8710 1149 Fax: 8610-8710 1149 E-mail: cherrycui0608@yahoo.com
Skills Required:
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