Primary English Teachers to teach in Elementary School
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Korean International School in Hochiminh City, Vietnam
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Korean International School in Hochiminh City, Vietnam, apply now for this great job to teach English in Vietnam. More job details below.
About the Job
Korean International School in Hochiminh City, Vietnam is looking for a professional, dedicated teacher to teach in Elementary school. (5 Full-Time English Teacher/1 Kindergarten Full-time teacher)
1. You are expected to meet the following requirements:
- Native English speaker from one of the following countries(USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Ireland) is recommended.
- BA or above in any field. (3+ yr college degree).
- TESOL/TEFL/CELTA certification. (100+ hr)
- Prior teaching experience preferred.
2. Contract Term: March 1st, 2018 ~ February 28th, 2019
3. Job specifications (Full-time teacher):
- Teaching above 21 periods in a week, from Monday to Friday.
- Base Salary : $2000 for a month (will be paid either in VND or in USD)
- Qualification Incentives:
Classroom based Degree(Education or English only): Master’s +100 USD
Certificate from their home country (Relating to English Education or Education)
: Teacher’s +100 USD
- Career Incentives:
Teaching Experience at KISH
1st Year
2nd Year - 150 USD
3rd Year - 300 USD
4th Year - 450 USD
+ 30 USD each year until 10th year
- Extra allowance : Teach supplementary classes after school or during vacation time.
- Target students :
Elementary G3~G6 : Age 11~12 (Teaching English as a home room teacher)
Kindergarten : Age 5~6 (Teaching English as a home room teacher)
- There will be a orientation period in February 2018.
- The first month is a probationary period.
4. Submit the following required documents to English Education Department Director at email (Elementary: / Kindergarten ) by Sunday December 17th, 2017
* Candidates for interview will be notified individually by e-mail.
- Resume (CV)
- A copy of passport photo page
- A list of references with phone numbers from your recent job
- The official transcript from the highest educational organization you have graduated from
5. The selected applicant needs to submit the following documents ASAP for contract signing.
- Original diploma & verification of qualification letter issued from the students' center at your university
- Original certificate(ie, teacher's, TESOL, TEFL, CELTA, & anything equivalent to these)
- Criminal record check result paper of home country
- Medical check-up