ESL Teachers wanted ASAP
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David Hawk English School
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by David Hawk English School, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Details:David Hawk English School was the first private English school to be established in western Guangdong province on September 9th,1997. and in 2005 David Hawk English School obtained Foreign Expert Employment Permit and is one of the few schools in China who can legally employ native English speakers.
Maoming is a beautiful medium-sized coastal city in Guangdong province and it is famous for producing lychees, mangoes and bananas. The people are very friendly and the cost of living is low, compared to bigger cities in China. The 揻irst beach of China" is about 30minutes' drive by car.
If you have the credentials mentioned below and would like to apply to David Hawk English School , please email or fax your resume to us. To facilitate securing the job quickly,please email us the following items at the same time. Our email address is and fax 0086 0668 2911580
*A copy of your degree and/or teaching certificates.
*A copy of the data page of your passport.
*Full resume
1. RMB5000/m for 25 woking hours per week( office hours +teaching hours)
2. Legal documents inclusive of "Z" visa and resident permit provide free of charge
3. A well-furnished apartment provided for free
4. Free Internet access .
5. 6,000RMB airfare is offered upon completion of a one year contract
6. All public holidays:
Native English speaker(British, Canadian, American, Australian or New Zealander )
ESL teaching certificate or degree
22 to 50 years old and in good health
Enthusiastic in teaching English to different age group and open to experiencing different cultures
Skills Required:
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