Teach English In Colombia – Volunteer Program

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Marina Orth Foundation

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Marina Orth Foundation, apply now for this great job to teach English in Colombia. More job details below.

About the Job


The Marina Orth Foundation is looking for volunteer English teachers willing to work for a period of five (5) months (February 2023 to June 2023.). English volunteers will be assigned to a school within the town of El Carmen de Viboral, La Ceja, or some rural villages of Medellín, which is located approximately one hour from the city. They will co-teach English classes with the Foundation’s English teachers and run extracurricular English clubs.


Volunteers receive a stipend of 338 USD (approx.) and a stipend from the Foundation in return for 3 to 5 hours/day, 5 days a week + 2h of the extracurricular club per week + lesson planning.


Skills Required:

1. English fluency or C1-level proficiency and
2. Spanish B1 -level proficiency.
3. Class and discipline management,
4. Positive attitude and adaptable,
5. Experience teaching and/or working with groups of children, TEFL appreciated,
6. Experience of living and working in Latin America is not required but preferred,
7. Foreigners or Colombians who lived in a foreign country (to talk about international openness, cultures, etc.)

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