Vocational English Instructor Abu Dhabi

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kamran mureed

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by kamran mureed, apply now for this great job to teach English in United Arab Emirates. More job details below.

About the Job


Vocational English Instructor Abu Dhabi
This is a learning organization. As such, all employees strive for professional and institutional development within a culture of effectiveness that:  Values collaboration and teamwork  Work in a multi-cultural environment  Encourages ethical behavior  Facilitates life-long learning  Utilizes new technologies
Technical Skills & Competencies
 Use student centered teaching strategies and related assessment practices
 Understanding of current trends in vocational education and training
 Understanding of competency based assessment
 Understanding of knowledge and performance based learning outcomes
 Extensive knowledge of curriculum within the specific discipline(s)
 Teach, train or assess across various vocational courses as per experience
 Highly developed classroom management skills  Understanding of quality assurance processes in the vocational education sector
 Successful teaching using a range of assessment tools within the specific discipline(s
 Use Information Technology in the class room such as Smart board, ppt. MS Word, Spreadsheets and Database
 Bachelor Degree in curriculum field
 ESOL degree/CELTA from an higher education institution
 Master Degree and/or PhD in discipline or related preferred
 Teaching/Assessor Qualification (PGCE, PTLLS, DTLLS, Cert.Ed)
 Assessor and Internal Verifier awards Experience Required
 3 year teaching / training /assessing experience in a reputed vocational, further education or higher education institute
 Familiarity with Internal Verification and assessment processes
 ICT for learning skills  GGC or similar location Additional Requirements
 Developing Teaching and Assessment Resources with Curriculum team
 Membership of Professional association, Institute or body Language
 English: : Fluent/excellent native speakers - IELTS 8.0 for non-Natives
 Please send documents to expertkamran@englishrecru itment.com 



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