ASAP-no office hours--Shanghai上海training school-1 Native ESL teacher needed -22-25k(after

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Mayki, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.

About the Job


-Starting date:ASAP

-Location:Chongming area of Shanghai

-School type:training school(4--8 yrs old)

-Class size:within 10 students

-Workload:25-30 teaching hours,no office hours,2 days off on weekdays

-Requirements: 1 native ESL teacher(in China,with BA or above&more than2 yrs’ teaching experience after graduation)

-Benefits:22-25k/m(aft er tax)&work visa;

-Single apartment close to campus provided

-Paid Chinese public holidays;

-Up to 6k tickets allowance after 1 yr’s contract.

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