Excellent teaching opportunities at a great school in Luoyang: 11-14K per month!
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Joy Children's Language School
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Joy Children's Language School, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Dear potential teacher,
A fantastic opportunity exists at Joy Children’s Language School in Luoyang, China. If you’re seeking to gain valuable teaching experience, and to thrive and grow to be the best ESL teacher you can be, this could be your dream teaching job in China.
What’s special about Joy?
Joy Children’s Language School in Luoyang, China, is part of a long-established organisation, which comprises more than 500 schools located throughout China and Taiwan. Each is a franchise, operated to strict guidelines. Joy in Luoyang was founded in 2004 by professional educators, Steven and Tracy, and remains in the same safe hands today.
Joy (Luoyang) has grown from one school in 2004 to nine schools in 2017. This group of schools employs more than 170 Chinese English teachers and several foreign teachers, supported by a professional management team. Our foreign teachers enjoy excellent contract conditions, which are rigorously upheld, and benefit from a great working and living environment.
We have long held a reputation for excellence, and are the first choice for extra-curricular English learning in Luoyang. We give our students a quality education in modern, well-equipped classrooms, and strive to give our teachers a rewarding experience in one of the most captivating regions of China.
What are the students like?
Our students are aged between 5 and 15. The youngest are probably the cutest wide-eyed tots you can imagine. The teenagers are very smart, focused, eager, and seemingly devoid of teenage angst. The inbetweeners are curious, brimming with energy, often cheeky…and great fun to teach.
Learning English at Joy is nothing like students’ learning experience at school. In complete contrast to the mostly rote learning-style of state education, learning at Joy is fun. We use our own specially-developed books, together with a wide range of interesting teaching materials that make learning interesting, challenging and enjoyable.
What’s the foreign teaching team like?
We’re a friendly bunch of professionally-minded individuals. There are currently 12 full-time teachers, aged in their twenties and thirties, and we’re expanding the team to 14. We work side-by-side with our Chinese colleagues, supporting each other to provide our students with the best possible learning experience. We’re a great team!
What’s a typical week like at Joy?
It’s a nice balance of leisurely weekdays and a busier weekend. We teach a maximum of 18 hours a week, normally comprising two classes from 6:30pm – 8:20pm Tuesday to Friday, and four or five on Saturdays and Sundays. Office hours (to prepare lesson plans) are flexible: teachers are given the freedom to take responsibility for their own time-management. We have one fixed day off each week - Mondays - but we don’t usually start working until 6pm Tuesday evenings. In addition, teachers can take three ‘flexi-days’ off (any weekdays Tuesday – Friday) each month.
What about leisure time?
Make no mistake; we all take our work seriously. But we have a lot of fun, too. We’ve adopted a great local coffee shop as our favourite hang-out, we eat out a lot (there’s an amazing array of superb, inexpensive restaurants nearby) and we often go to bars and parties, and have regular movie nights, game nights and other events.
The shopping’s great, and there are well-equipped local gyms and spas in the city. In addition to day-to-day leisure activities, we also plan frequent short trips, some of which are paid for by the school, and teachers often travel in groups during the holiday periods.
Luoyang is small by Chinese standards, yet is brimming with modern conveniences. We enjoy a low cost of living, which enables teachers to save a large proportion of their generous salary (on average up to two thirds) whilst living well and having a very active social life. In most of the ‘big’ Chinese cities, a teacher would need to earn around 50% more just to enjoy the same standard of living we enjoy here!
What’s Luoyang like?
Luoyang is a pleasant and friendly city with a strong sense of community, and it’s the kind of place where you soon feel ‘at home’. It has many parks and open spaces, and wide boulevards to carry all the bicycles and electric scooters (which seemingly still outnumber the cars). Being in the centre of China, Luoyang doesn’t suffer extremes of temperature: it’s just quite hot in summer and quite cold in winter, but there’s relatively little rainfall for much of the year.
Luoyang boasts an impressive 5,000 years of history. It has been crowned one of the Seven Ancient Capitals of China, and is a cultural treasure house. Luoyang is home to a wealth of historical wonders, including the Longmen Grottoes (a UNESCO World Heritage site), White Horse Temple, and Shaolin Temple (the home of Kung Fu). Luoyang is also China’s ‘peony capital’ (peony is the national flower) and hosts a huge annual festival, which attracts visitors from all over the world and blankets the city with vibrant colours throughout the spring and summer months.
So, what does Joy School offer?
Joy, Luoyang, offers you a fantastic opportunity to gain valuable teaching experience, earn a very generous salary, and enjoy a great package of benefits:
• A starting salary of 11,000 RMB per month, paid into your own local bank account.
• An initial 6-month ‘what you see is what you get’ contract.
• Options to extend the initial contract to one or two years, following successful completion of a one-month probation period, with an immediate increased salary up to 13,000 RMB per month.
• The opportunity for early promotion to Senior Teacher, with an increased salary up to 14,000 RMB per month.
• A travel allowance of 6,000 RMB paid every six months.
• A contract completion bonus (for extended contracts) of up to 6,000 RMB.
• The opportunity for overtime at up to 230 RMB per hour.
• The opportunity to teach ‘advanced’ classes, with bonuses averaging up to 800 RMB per month.
• A private, rent-free, clean & attractive, furnished apartment.
• Up to 18 teaching hours per week.
• Flexible office hours for lesson preparation.
• Up to 5 weeks’ paid vacation each year (depending on contract period).
• Fixed and flexible time off.
• Free accident and emergency medical insurance.
• Free Chinese lessons.
• Support with all relevant paperwork for you to obtain a Z-Visa (work visa).
• Initial and on-going training and support.
• The full-time support of a dedicated management team.
Who are we looking for?
We want responsible, dedicated, energetic and creative self-starters who have a genuine desire to teach children. Formal experience is not necessary, but a strong aptitude for teaching is. Likewise, grammar expertise is not a prerequisite, but a good, basic working knowledge of grammar is.
A degree is required (Chinese government regulation). Graduates over 21 with an English Language degree, or a degree in an education-related field, are particularly suitable. However, all graduates are considered on merit: teaching skills can be taught; personality and aptitude cannot. A TEFL or TESOL certificate is a definite advantage.
We can only accept native English speakers (Chinese government regulation). Regional accents are a fact of life, but a neutral accent is necessary as pronunciation forms a core part of the curriculum. You also need to possess excellent writing skills, and a strong eye for detail, as a key feature of the job involves checking compositions, advising on correction, and helping students to develop their writing abilities.
We are recruiting to fill two positions, with a flexible starting date between January and February 2018.
To apply, here’s what I need:
• Your comprehensive CV / resume.
• A covering letter, explaining in detail why you’d be an asset to our team, and to our students.
• A scan / photo of your passport information/photo page, to prove age and nationality.
If you impress me, I’ll contact you to arrange an initial, informal Skype chat. If we move to the next stage, you’ll be given the email addresses of all our current teachers, so you can obtain broad and balanced personal feedback about the school and life in Luoyang. That will be followed by a second, in-depth discussion… and if that’s successful, before too long you could be embarking on the adventure of your life!
I look forward to hearing from you!
David Hayles
Foreign Teachers’ Manager
PS: Take a look at our website at www.joyhenan.com Here is a direct link to the foreign teachers’ section, which is in English: http://www.joyhenan.com/index.php?m=content&c=index&a= lists&catid=27
PPS: Find us on Facebook at https:// www.facebook.com/JoyChildrensLanguageSchoolLuoyang/