Sicence & AP Drama Teacher

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Madge, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.

About the Job


Job Description

-Workload: 30 lessons per week /40 mins per lesson/at least 2 hrs office time per working day /Weekends off.

-Location: Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China.

-Type of work: Full time.

-Type of school: International School.

-Start time: Sep 2020-Sep 2021.

-Vacancies: 1 Middle School Science Teacher./1 AP Drama Teacher.

-Students age: 15-18.

Remuneration & Benefits:

------For Middle School Science Teacher

-With Teaching license: 255-360K per schoolyear

-Without teaching license: 240-296K per school year.

------For High School AP Drama Teacher

-With Teaching license: 270-430K per school year

-Without teaching license: 220-320K per school year.

-Free apartment on campus provided. From the continuous second contract year, the school can offer housing allowance 1K per month. If the teacher chooses not to live the school’s apartment, the school provides 3K per month for the housing allowance.

-Flight allowance: 2K USD per school year upon completion of the contract.

-Health insurance Provided.

-Teaching Bonus: 7K/3K/2K based on teaching evaluation results at the end of the school year.

-Work Visa and Residence Permit Provided.


-Bachelor or above degree.

-Native English Speaker who are in China now.

-At least 2 years related teaching experience after Bachelor degree graduation and major in related subject.

-For science teacher with STEM Science teaching experience is preferred.


How to apply:

Please kindly send me your resume and self-introduction video to my email and add my WeChat directly.< /strong>

-WeChat IDgrisverde

Welcome to share the above available jobs with your friends who are qualified and interested. 






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