Native Literature Teacher Wanted in Beijing
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Elan English
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Elan English, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
At Elan we teach English through engaging with literature and writing practice for students aged 5-14. In the beginning, it is likely that you will predominantly take on Early Reader Program, and lower level literature/writing coursework with the opportunity to teach picture books, novels, grammar, and different writing mediums in the future. Teachers must keep in contact with their Head Teacher and operations staff about student progress and maintain a professional relationship with parents. Elan Teachers should provide a consistently challenging classroom environment for students and ensure that their teaching methodology is congruent with Elan’s philosophy and goals. Teachers will work five days a week (three weekdays and Sat/Sun) with a potential full teaching load. If you work more than 24 teaching hours per week (indexed monthly), which may happen in the winter and summer terms, you will be awarded additional compensation. You may also be asked to help at other centers if you have no classes and substitutes are needed at other schools.
Day to Day Responsibilities
· Access Elan resources and plan your Teachers Logs according to the objectives of courses
· Deliver high quality literature, writing, and phonics courses to students
· Issue and explain homework assignments to students and parents of younger students
· Mark all tasks that students complete and fill out post-class comments
· If your work schedule allows and you have an interest, there is an opportunity to assist with the development of our curriculum, winter and summer materials, and also to assist with marketing events
· Conduct phonics tests and free trials for new students and make recommendations for classes
· Enforce a “culture of English” and other Elan expectations through classroom discipline
· Work with your Head Teacher and operations staff to create strategies for special case students
· Keep informed about schedule changes, students who will be away, and students having trial classes
General Responsibilities
· Be familiar with all aspects of the Elan curriculum, the lesson flows, and the quiz schedules
· Complete mid-term and end of term assessments that are personalized and constructive
· Be punctual to work at all times, start classes on time, and control student break times
· Assist with marketing activities including the parties held by the center
· Take part in two training sessions per term to keep up to date with current developments
· Be familiar with the administrative procedures employed in the center and as directed by Elan head office
· Substitute for absent colleagues - this may be at short notice and off-site
· Cooperate with the Center Manager and Head Teacher in ensuring constructive communication and efficient operation of the center that creates a cohesive culture and working environment.
· Assist in the library during busy times, particularly if you have an empty slot on a weekend
· Be observed by your Head Teacher and Teacher Manager and receive feedback professionally
Communicate with your Head Teacher in a weekly meeting about your students and classes