Christian English Teachers with a Calling for Children needed for Safe and Friend Taichung City, Taiwan
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Jackson Christian English School
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Jackson Christian English School, apply now for this great job to teach English in Taiwan. More job details below.
About the Job
School Mandate:
Teaching students the true joy of learning without the drudgery of boring lessons, homework, or tests. We are much more than just an English School. We motivate and empower our students to become well-rounded, happy individuals who have a close relationship with God.
Mission Statement:
"Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." (Proverbs 22:6)
Full Time Package:
* NT$45,000-$60,000 per month, additional $27,500 holiday bonus at end of 11 month contract.
* In addition, a paid 5 day holiday for Chinese New Year.
* Work Visa and National Health Insurance
* Great place for career development, working with other creative teachers, and teacher workshops.
* Supportive Christian environment (we help and support each other)
* Reward of knowing that you made a "real" difference in the lives of children and their families.
School and Students:
* A school to serve and glorify God.< /a>
* Established Canadian owned language school (AD 2000) with a solid curriculum.
* A medium size school where the heart is not taken out of teaching
* Maximum class size (16-20 students, ages 5-12)
* Students that "really" want to be here and enjoy what they are learning. Look at FB photo albums below: m/JacksonFiveEnglish/
* We are student orientated and not parent orientated.
* Supportive, informal Christian working environment.
* Within walking distance of Costco, Decathlon, and Ikea.
Teaching Methods and Curriculum:
* Emphasis on making learning fun.
* Limited number of classes. Teachers will see the same students every day. This allows them to cultivate
a strong relationship with students.
* Strong focus on teaching English in real life situations, themes, physical education and Christian character.
* Professionally written (B.Ed & M.Ed), tailor-made Theme-Based curriculum.
* Encourages new and creative teaching techniques.
* We measure progress through rubric assessment and class work, not tests.
Comprehensive Teaching Resources:
* Large classrooms that don't physically limit the teacher's creativity
* Well stocked library and video equipment (lots of English movies)
* Within walking distance of two major parks for outdoor activities
* We are a progressive school with Wifi/Computers/TVs
* A computer lab hooked to a fast fiber-optics Internet connection.
Teacher Candidate Qualifications:
* You have a genuine calling for teaching and serving God overseas.
* English is your first language.
* University graduate with experience working with children.
* Self motivated, positive attitude, flexible, very organized, and responsible
* Extra-curricular skills are also valued (computer, drawing/painting, music, sports, etc).
* Enjoys working and playing with children
* Can arrive at the end of June
How to Join Our Team:
If you meet all the requirements listed above and would like to join our teaching family, please email the
following to Jackson at :< br />1) cover letter and resume
2) photo taken of the passport photo page and another picture if the passport photo page is too serious
3) your earliest available date to start teaching