English Teacher - Mokpo South Korea
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Sharp English School
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Sharp English School, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Sharp English AcademyCompetence in speaking, listening, reading, and writing are developed through the use of several textbook series and additional teaching materials. The teacher is expected to use and adapt the textbook to create a classroom environment that is fun, encouraging and educational.
The teacher will be a part of a team of 5 other teachers, including myself. I am a Canadian ESL instructor who has been teaching at this school for almost 2 years now and am helping my employer find an additional teacher for our growing school. My contact information as well as my employer's is below. Please feel free to contact either one of us for more information.
April 1, 2007 (this is the ideal starting date)
University Bachelor Degree
Experience teaching/supervising children is preferred
Students ages 8 - Adult. Most are Elementary and Middle school students
Work hours are from 3:30pm - 10:30pm Monday-Friday. NO SATURDAYS.
Lesson preparation
Correcting and grading student work
Teaching material preparation
2.0 million Won per month (for currency conversion http://www.xe.com/ucc/ or your local bank)
Contract completion bonus (equivalent to one-month salary)
30 hours per week plus overtime pay at 20,000 Won per hour
2 weeks holiday per year - Summer vacation is the first week of August and winter vacation is the first week of January.
Free round-trip air ticket provided upon condition that the contract will be completed.
Shared coverage of medical insurance - 50/50 split with the school.
Accommodation provided:
Air-conditioned studio apartment with private shower and washroom; partly to fully furnished (bed, closet, refrigerator, gas range, washing machine, TV, some plates, cups, pans, and utensils for the kithchen)
Please email resume and cover letter to Ross Teichroeb (rosspt@yahoo.ca), or Jason Kim (sharpeng@hanmail.net) Please include "SHARP English Teaching Position" in the subject line of your email. You may also contact us by phone: Overseas calling to the school: 82-61-284-9961, or in Korea to the school: 061-284-9961 or Jason Kim's cellphone: 016-9778-3015 or Ross Teichroeb's cellphone: 010-6382-1708. Successful candidates will be contacted by email for an interview.
Skills Required:
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