Teachers for High School Level Academic English ▶ Part-time
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IEEA Global Campus
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by IEEA Global Campus, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
■ Location: Gung-dong, Guro-gu, Seoul - near Onsu Station (Subway Line #1, 7)
* The program is run by IEEA Global Campus in Gangnam but the actual teaching takes
place at a high school in Guro
■ Age Group: High School Students who are preparing to study abroad in the U.S.A.
■ Subjects: Academic English (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking, Grammar)
■ Working Hours
- During the semester(Mar~Jul, Sep~Dec): From 16:00 to 19:00(3 Hours)
- During the vacation(Jul~Aug, Jan~Feb): From 9:30 to 14:30(5 Hours)
- The total working hours per year ranges from 500 to 530 hours
- The total working days range from 140 to 150 days
* Working schedule is subject to change according to the school academic schedule
■ Employment Period: March 2020 to February 2021(One Year)
■ Compensation: 40,000~50,000 KRW per hour
* The pay will be decided based on previous work/teaching experience and teaching
* As a freelancer, there is 3.3% tax deduction from monthly paycheck without health
insurance, pension, and severance pay
■ Expected Starting Date: Third Week of March
* Exact start date will be decided in late February
■ We are looking for…
- Someone with independent problem solving skills
- Someone with excellent communication skills
- Someone with proactive attitudes
- Someone who can speak basic Korean (not required; but preferred)
If you think you are the right person for the position, please send 1) your resume with
recent photo and 2) cover letter including teaching philosophy to cmy@ieea.or.kr
A qualified candidate will receive an email invitation for an interview/teaching
* Please specify your visa type on the email; otherwise, you will not be contacted