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Teach English in Korea at Little Fox-hiring for 2020 - David Yun | ESL Jobs Online
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Teach English in Korea at Little Fox-hiring for 2020

Share Job Posting:

Warning: Undefined array key "userid" in /var/www/esl-teachers.com/public_html/forms/view_job_form.php on line 465

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David Yun

This ESL English teaching position has been posted by David Yun, apply now for this great job to teach English in
Warning: Undefined variable $kwd_search in /var/www/esl-teachers.com/public_html/forms/view_job_form.php on line 515

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South Korea. More job details below.

About the Job


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Little Fox was established in 2000 as the world’s best animated English fairy tale library. From there it has grown to include both on and offline education through the opening of 63 language schools throughout Korea.

Teaching at Little Fox is a rewarding experience for teachers. Each teacher has his/her own classes which have students between the ages of 6 -14. Little Fox’s curriculum uses the animated stories and interactive activities so all classrooms have large screens that teachers utilize to provide a visual, interactive and multimedia approach.

Our teachers’ job is not only to teach their students but to evaluate them too. Evaluation highlights struggling students which allows the teacher, working with the principal, to provide the necessary help for those students.

                         &nb sp;                         

Why Us?

You will not find a more transparent, honest and rewarding organization to work for.

  1. Assurance: We know what is important to you and we will be 100% REAL with you.
  2. Assistance: We will assist you every step of the way.
  3. Aftercare: We can assure you that we do our best to provide support when needed.

Working Conditions

  1. One year contract (with possibility to extend.)
  2. Salary range: 2.1~2.5 million won (depends on your experience teaching in Korea)
  3. Working Time: Mon~Fri, 1pm to 9pm, (actual teaching time starts at 2:30pm)
  4. Student Age: Elementary ~ Middle school students
  5. Class Size: 8 to 12 students.
  6. Vacation: 10 working days paid vacation (depends on the center) + Korean national holidays.


  1. Rent free single studio
  2. Severance payment (approximate one month’s salary)
  3. 50% medical insurance & pension
  4. Snacks and meals provided (depends on the center)
  5. Annual Bonuses (depends on the center)

Requirements: (E2 Visa)

According to Korean law, eligible applicants for a visa must;

  1. Be a native English speaker.
  2. Be a citizen of a country where English is the primary language (must be from USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Ireland, Australia or South Africa)
  3. Hold a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university (must be from a 4-year Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in USA, Canada, UK (3-year), New Zealand, Ireland, Australia or South Africa.
  4. Possess no criminal history
  5. Required Certificates: not required for private academies

Little Fox’s Requirements

  1. Native English speaker
  2. Passionate about teaching children
  3. Cultural Awareness
  4. Building Relationships
  5. Adaptability / Flexibility



Skills Required:

Warning: Undefined variable $kwd_search in /var/www/esl-teachers.com/public_html/forms/view_job_form.php on line 562

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Warning: Constant TEXT_POST_DATE already defined in /var/www/esl-teachers.com/public_html/languages/english/job_find_form.php on line 2

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Warning: Undefined array key "employerid" in /var/www/esl-teachers.com/public_html/forms/view_job_form.php on line 1044

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