Kindergarten and Elementary teacher
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Jungchul English Junior
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Jungchul English Junior, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Good, honest, friendly school looking for a female teacher to teach Kindergarten and Elementary students full time.Location:Suwon (South east Suburb of Seoul)
Start time: April (20070
Duration: 1 year contract
Working hours: 120/ month
monthly salary: 2.0 million won (more with experience)
Benefits: Health 50/50, Free housing, Free roundtrip airfare and bonus on completion of contract (one month salary)
Skills Required:
Requirements:Be ethusiastic, positive attitude and like working with children. Open minded with the ability to adapt to new environments. Bachelor's degree in any subject. Be from English speaking country (Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand, UK)
If interested send resume and photograph (passport copy is acceptable.
Contact details:
Junchul English Junior (East Suwon)
1166-1 Maetan 3 dong
Pal dal gu
Suwon, Kyonggi Province
phone number: 82-31-221-2424
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