Teach adults and children in Nagoya, Japan!
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Advantage English
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Advantage English, apply now for this great job to teach English in Japan. More job details below.
About the Job
Founded in Nagoya in 1996, Advantage English is accepting applications for two native, full-time English instructor positions to start in January-March 2020, in Nagoya, Japan. (If you are interested in an earlier start date, please specify in your letter.)
Applicants should be experienced with all ages and also have the ability and desire to do studio work in front of a camera as well as teach classes and teach online. (If you are not experienced but have a BA and are a native speaker, please apply. However the salary outlined below will be in the 240,000-260,000 range depending on the interview and any teaching certificates you hold. You do not need TESL, TEFL or CELTA to apply but if you do, that will also be taken into consideration to negotiate your salary. CELTA holders are given serious consideration. ) If you are skilled in public speaking and acting, also apply.
The salary reflects both teaching and studio ability. Training will be provided regardless of experience.
Advantage English will provide sponsorship. One-year contracts are standard and renewable. All applicants must have a BA or higher and be native speakers.
260,000-290,000+yen per month (depending on qualifications and experience), 28 contact hours per week. Guaranteed salary is based on genuine ESL experience and qualifications. Applicants will be informed of the probable rate only if contacted for follow up and interview. We negotiate schedules, hours and salary for extremely capable applicants. Interviews are essential to determine and assess each candidate’s skill set and potential value to the company. Veteran Advantage teachers routinely are rewarded with more desirable work schedules and salary increases. All new teachers have a probation period of two months. During that time teachers must show that they are adept at using the Advantage English teaching method.
Instructors are off Sunday and Monday. All national holidays are paid off. Advantage English follows the rules and guidelines of the government labor offices for paid holidays. Non-paid leave is also available after 6 months.
Schedules include a wide mix, from babies to adults at the following locations and online: Issha, Motoyama, Hoshigaoka and Fujigaoka, all on the Higashiyama subway line, just minutes away from the station. Transportation is paid. Subway rides are short, sometimes only 5 min from station to station.
Teachers are expected to use the proven ‘Talk Advantage’ method for kids and adults. Most classes are small with five students maximum. For adults, texts are not allowed unless in certain situations. For kids, we use Let’s Go as our main kids text. Training is provided and an experienced Advantage English teachers will gain access to countless future opportunities and have the confidence and ability to teach anywhere in the world, text free, simply by applying the Advantage method. Advantage teacher trainers are in demand.
We have many teachers who stay on year and after year. We are fair and compensate for everything. Our turnover rate is less than 2% and the overwhelming majority of teachers finish contracts and desire to stay with us. Most of the staff practice self-management and hold themselves to high standards. We are growing and there is corporate and studio opportunity. There is also corporate opportunity for those who learn to speak Japanese well. The staff is well-balanced with women and men from USA, Canada and the UK.
We have everything Tokyo and Osaka have but it's not as crowded and the cost of living is cheaper. All the schools are located in affluent areas. Japan is a fully developed and modernized country. The people are friendly, courteous and hardworking. It's very safe and people mind their own business. There is a vibrant expat community in Nagoya with lots of events routinely going on.
Please send requirements stated below to:
advantage_english_japan@yah oo.com
advantage_english_japan @ yahoo.com
1. resume including nationality
2. recent picture
3. Passport picture
4. Letters of reference or include a reference list with current contact information
5. Pictures of any ESL certificates you may have.
6. Cover letter outlining why you think you have the ability to successfully teach at Advantage, make instructional teaching videos, and to teach online.
7. Skype ID
Thank you.
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