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ISAC International School Alliance of China
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by ISAC International School Alliance of China, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
University Teaching Program & Hangzhou Primary, Middle and High School Program (1 hour from Shanghai) - ISAC Teaching Program
University and Public School Teaching Program
Be an language teacher at one of ISAC member schools or universities for one academic year! Join the ISAC Teaching Programs!
We are a family of foreign teachers working in Chinese public schools and universities. If you are looking for a position in a public
or university in China, you are welcome to join us and speak with our member schools directly! Check out
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Public School Teaching Program
Hangzhou Public School Teaching Program
University Teaching Program
Suzhou IP Foreign Teacher Program
Xiamen Foreign Teacher Program
ISAC National Teaching Program
Hangzhou Teachers - Ellie - Teresa - Jared - Carra - Robyn
And More Teachers:
ISAC is responsible for the initial screening and preliminary interview.
Our member schools and universities are responsible for the second
or final round interview. If you pass the second round interview, you
will be offered a contract and you will sign this contract directly with
your host school or university.
Job Description:
-To conduct language classes for students in a public school/university-To represent your school and be a proud part of your school &nb sp;-To assist with activities related to extracurricular activities   ;-To provide training sessions for other foreign teachers & nbsp; &nbs p;- Teach one of the following languages: English/French/Spanish/Japanese/German/KoreanOther Information
- Working Hours: Mon-Fri, around 8:00am-4:00pm.- 14-20 classes per week, each 40-45 mins   ;- Assistance with your day to day life in China,
SIM card, banking account etc.
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Hiring Process
Visa Application