YBM ECC Hiring for February/March 2018

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Victor, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.

About the Job



Jobs start in February and March of 2018.

All positions will have the same job requirements.  You will teach students English using the curriculum and books that YBM provides.

This will also include doing report cards, eating lunch with the students, and helping the students to become stronger not only in English, but as individuals.

Work hours are between 9am-6pm or 10am-7pm.

Salary will depend on your experience.  If you are a new teacher, you will start at 2,100,000 WON.  With experience and certification, the salary can jump from 2,200,000 won to 2,400,000 won to start.

All government required benefits will be in effect as well.  This includes 50/50 pay into the National Healthcare System, Pension, and Severance.

A single, nonshared apartment will be provided for you.

Employment at a corporate owned school.

Experience the Land of the Morning Calm everyday.

You must be a native speaker from either the US, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, or South Africa.  The E2 visa in Korea can only be issued to people from those countries.  It’s a Korean Immigration Law.

Bachelors Degree in any field.

Clean Criminal Background Check.

Your updated Resume or CV
A digital photo of yourself (Preferably JPEG/.jpg format)
Your contact number and the hours you are usually reachable from
(Please try to keep the range of hours within 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Korean time zone Monday to Friday)

We also have a job at an ECC on Jeju Island.  If you are interested in this job, please mention it in the email.




Skills Required:

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