Looking for NES for Short Contract (November & December) in Private Primary School in Mandalay, Myanmar
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Mandalay Education Recruiters
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Mandalay Education Recruiters, apply now for this great job to teach English in Myanmar. More job details below.
About the Job
This school's teacher left because she was feeling homesick, so we need to find someone to finish out her contract.
The school is one of the larger ones we work with and has a good staff of local English teachers who speak English well to help with administrative issues.
The school would prefer someone who is energetic and youthful in attitude. It is preferable but not completely necessary that the candidate has some experience and a TESOL, TEFL or CELTA certificate.
Please send your CV to haymankzpaul@gmail.com
Check us out on Facebook at 'Mandalay Education Recruiters'
Dates: November 1st to December 31st
Salary: $1200 a month after taxes;
Workload: 25 hours a week; Saturday and Sunday off; Paid National Holidays
Age groups: Preschool - 7th Grade
Accommodation: Single bed hotel room provided; breakfast and lunch will be provided on working days
Flight Reimbursement: Up to but not exceeding $700
Send resume and Skype ID to haymankzpaul@gmail.com