english instructor wanted
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NMC Language&Culture Exchange
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by NMC Language&Culture Exchange, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Treatment: Salary ,5000-6000RMB/MONTH. It depends on experience, actually classes and qualification. (The Government standard for Bachelor holders) BA or higher qualified applicants are eligible for a higher salary.
Housing situation,
Different schools different conditions, basic condition is
Chinese style bungalow includes 1 bathroom, 1 living room, 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen. The house is well furnished with a TV, telephone, fridge, and washing machine, gas stove, bathing facilities, and Internet.
In the winter vacation, summer vacation, Chinese public holidays.
Work responsibility: depends on different courses
Working hours per week:
16-20 hrs. 21-25 hrs., depends on different schedules
Want to learn about more? Please contact heidiNMC@gmail.com to ask for application form.
Skills Required:
Requirements:Native speaker of English, holding America, British, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. passport
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