Teaching Positions Available in China
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Shenzhen SIE Education Co. LTD
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Shenzhen SIE Education Co. LTD, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Urgently! English-ESL-Physics-Biology-Chemistry-Science Teachers-P.E teacher are needed, all the positions are located at the Cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Chongqing, Chengdu, Zhuhai, Qingdao, Tianjin in China for Kindergarten-Elementary-Secondary-University International/Private/Public Schools setting with professional work conditions; Training provided by companies
Available jobs in Schools
English & ESL teacher & Music teacher & Science Teacher & Physics & P.E & Biology & Chemistry teacher are needed, all the positions are located at the Cities of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Qingdao, Chongqing, Chengdu,Zhuhai in China for International/Private/Public Schools Kindergarten-Elementary-Secondary-University setting with professional work conditions; Training provided by companies and opportunities for advancement.
- Native English speaker from USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand
- Bachelor degree or higher
- 120 hours TESOL/TEFL/IELTS Certification or above /or native speaker subject license teacher
- Two years work experience or higher
- Non-Criminal background check
The cities of Shenzhen,Guangzhou,Zhuhai,Qingdao,Tianjin Private Schools Work Loads:
1. Work hours: Monday to Friday 8:00-12:00; 14:00-17:30PM including 16-18 teaching hours + office hours per week, Teaching lessons: 20-22 lessons per week, 40 minutes per lesson. class size: 20-30students in a class.;
2. Students of age 3-6 or 7-10 or 10-13or 13-16 or 17-21;
3. School provide curriculum
Chengdu/Chongqing English Schools Work Loads:
1. Curriculum: provided by schools, Class size: 1-4, 4-15 students in one class; Student age: 7-14years old.
2. Work Hours: Monday to Tuesday off, Wednesday to Friday:3pm to 9pm; Saturday to Sunday: 8:00 to 12:00, 14:00-18:00; Teach hours: 18 hours per week+7 office hours=25 hours per week;
3. Started in September
Salary & Benefits:
17000-18000 RMB before tax included salary &housing allowance for ESL teachers(negotiable)
20000-21000rmb before tax included salary & housing allowance for Music/Math/Physics/Biology/Chemistry/Science(negotiable);
• 6000rmb for Winter Vacation;
• 8000rmb flight reimbursement;
• Sponsored legal Z work visa;
• Health insurance;
• 11 days national holidays with paid;
• Airport pick-up upon arrival or reimbursement;
• one week paid hotel;
● Bank, phone card, and rental assistance from English speaking staff ;
● Curriculum support and job training provided;
How to Apply
Please send the following copies to Yilian at yilian2sie@aliyun.com
1.Covering letter 2.Resume 3.Recent photo 4.Degree certificate & TEFL certificate 120hours or Teaching license 5.Passport ID page
HR Manager
Skype ID: blueeyeslian
Wechat/ 13807518761
Cell phone : 86-13807518761
Shenzhen SIE Education CO.LTD
深圳市美凯誉人力资源有限责任公司 Address: 1505 Middle Buidling Futian Mansions Fuzhong Road, Shenzhen China 地址:深圳市福田区华富街道彩田路与福中路交汇处瑰丽 福景大厦中座1505