Beijing International kindergarten Teachers Needed

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Skye, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.

About the Job


Job description:
- Work load: office hours 7:30-16:30 or 8:00-17:00 from Monday to Friday, 2-2.5 hours lunch break
- Student age: 3-6
- Type of school: international kindergarten
- Teaching materials: provided
- Location: Beijing
- Start date: ASAP. 
- Vacancy: 8

Salary and Benefits: 
- Salary: 10-15K/M or 18-22K/M(after tax) up to experiences and qualification.
- Housing allowance: none
- Chinese national holidays: all paid .
- Medical insurance: provided
- Flight allowance: none
- Work visa and work permit card: provided

Applicants are required to be:
- Native speakers or Teachers from Europe.
- Hold a Bachelor degree 
- 2 years teaching experience in relevant field, experience working in kindergarten is a must.
- Able to commit to at least one year contract

Please send your resume and video to :

Or wechat: meng627095000




Skills Required:

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