Teach Conversational and Biz English to corporate employees
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Blue Ocean Consultants
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Blue Ocean Consultants, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Blue Ocean Consultants - ESL in South Korea. ESL Conversation Teachers - English Instruction Job Type: Full Time Location: South Korea; Job Category: Education/ TeachingIndustry: Overseas Education桬SL/EFL
Company URL: http://www.boc-recruit.com
Check out what Wikipedia says about the city, Changwon:
Check out what Changwon says
Fast facts on Changwon
Size: 292 square kilometers
Total Population: 508,499 (year 2005)
Foreign Population: 3,979 (man: 2,785, woman:1,194)
Density: 1,741 people per square meters
Irish Bar and Restaurant
Western food restaurants: TGIF, Outback Steak House, Benniganæ¯, etc
Posting No.: AD200602F8ChangwonH
Location: Changwon, South Korea
Start Date: Feb 1
Salary: 2.0M to 2.2M Korean Won commensurate with qualifications and experience
Teaching hours: 6 hours per day (overtime available)
Teaching Schedule: 6:30 to 8:30, 11:30 to 13:30, 18:30 to 20:30 Breaks are your time and you are free to do anything and be anywhere
Total working hours in a month: 120 teaching hours
Paid vacation dates: 10 days including weekends plus 13-15 national statutory holidays
Type of housing offered: bachelor apartment (studio) or 3 bedroom apartment share (double occupancy)
Airfare: will be provided by school
Insurance: National health care (monthly deduction) or 50% of medical premium paid for by school
Severance pay: one month salary at the successful completion of the contract
Preferred qualification: B.A. in Education, Business, Management, or Economy
Experience needed: at least one year of working experience, not necessary teaching experience
No. of foreign / Korean teachers: thirty Korean teachers and four foreign teachers
Student age group: corporate employees and their children
*** This position requires you to do summer and winter camps, thus during the camps, your schedule will change. Driving is required with this position and the school will provide you with a car and its maintenance on a regular basis.
For further information on the position, please contact us at recruiting@boc-recruit.com. Please quote the posting number with your enquiry.
- A citizen/ passport holder of the following countries: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, United Kingdom or U.S.A.
- A Bachelor degree in any majors
- Any certifications related to teaching English as a second language are preferred
- ESL teaching experience preferred, but not required
Application Documents:
- Resume and Cover letter.
- A recent digital color photo (JPEG format preferred).
- A scanned copy of your bachelor degree, transcript, and a passport photo page.
Additional Information:
- Departure Date
- Phone number and preferred preliminary interview hours
- Email address and current location (city & country)
Most recent postings are available on our website. Please visit our website, www.boc-recruit.com and submit online application.
Online Application: www.boc-recruit.com
Email Application: recruiting@boc-recruit.com
Martyn Johnson.
Director of Recruiting.
Blue Ocean Consultants
BN:80890 0278
6520936 Canada Inc.
Skills Required:
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