Looking for a Preschool English Teacher to Teach Kinder in Pachuca, Mexico
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The American School of Pachuca
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by The American School of Pachuca, apply now for this great job to teach English in Mexico. More job details below.
About the Job
Students in Preschool have two home teachers: one who teaches the Mexican program of study and another who teaches a US curriculum in English, and the day is equally divided between the two. Students also have Arts and Music classes, which are taught in English. We offer a number of after-school clubs and activities for the children to develop their skills and aptitudes, including Dance, Arts, French and Sports.
Teachers are given help with housing, immigration, and money for plane ticket as well as a fair salary. Pachuca is a safe environment to live in and the school has a supportive environment.
Classes begin August 2oth
For more information about the school https://www.ame ricana.edu.mx/
Contact Person
Michele Bell Principal Michele.bell@americana.edu.mx a>