English teachers required for an established academy in beautiful Caceres
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Academia Easy English
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Academia Easy English, apply now for this great job to teach English in Spain. More job details below.
About the Job
The job is very varied and teachers will teach children and adults of all levels. Many of the students prepare for Cambridge and Trinity exams. The hours will be a maximum of 25 per week from Monday to Friday.
We have two positions available for the next academic year - September 2018 to June 2019. One of which is mostly working with children.
There are two weeks paid holiday at Christmas and one week at Easter, plus Bank Holidays.
All our teachers are given training on Cambridge exam preparation and put forward to become examiners when they have the required teaching experience.
Further training will be given if necessary and the academy has a lot of material for teachers to prepare their lessons.
Teachers are invited to attend free Spanish lessons at Easy Spanish if they would like.
We are an expanding company and if you are willing and hardworking you will have the opportunity to grow with us.
We have two academies in Caceres. They are situated in the centre of the city and you can easily get around on foot.
The city is small and friendly and has swimming pools, a cinema, a theatre, shopping centres, horse riding facilities, a library, etc. It is a university town and so is lively and has a lot of nightlife, during term time. The old town is a world heritage site and Caceres became gastronomy capital of Spain in 2015.
Accommodation is easy to find in September and living costs are much cheaper than in other areas of Spain, (approximately 130 euros a month for a room in a shared flat and 300 euros a month for a small apartment.)
Degree, Celta and some knowledge of Spanish is desirable. Experience not essential but would be an advantage especially with young children and /or preparing students for Cambridge exams. Must have a passport for an EU country or EU work permission
Please apply with a full CV and cover letter to: clare@academiaeasyenglish.es