Teach English in Korea with Korvia Consulting
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Korvia Consulting
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Korvia Consulting, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
Korvia Consulting is one of the largest and most trusted public school teacher placement agencies in South Korea. Since 2006 Korvia has offered teachers continual support from initial application, to their first day of school, to their final day in South Korea.
Korvia is also one of the few agencies to be located in the nation's capital of Seoul allowing us uninterrupted communication as well as access to some of the best positions available.
Korvia works directly with the Korean government as well as education offices around the country and are an OFFICIAL PARTNER of the EPIK, GEPIK, and GOE programs.
• Airfare provided
• Medical insurance / national pension covered
• Severance pay
• Settlement allowance
• Renewal allowance
• Paid vacation + national holidays
• Fully-furnished single housing provided
• Income tax exemption (US, AU, NZ, UK, SA citizens only)
• Orientation before placement
Benefits are subject to changes depending on the program.
• Citizen of one of the 7 native English speaking countries (USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand)
• 3-4 year Bachelor's Degree in any field
• No criminal record (misdemeanors or felonies)
Please fill out the online application at www.korvia.com/korvia-application-agreement-page