Job for English Teachers in Seoul, Korea
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Konkuk University
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Konkuk University, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.
About the Job
The Hiring Committee at Konkuk University Language Institute (, one of the most prestigious universities in Seoul, Korea, is looking for qualified part-time and full-time English Instructors under the following terms:
A. Part-time
1. Starting date of employment: Fri, July, 27th 2018
2. Position: part-time English instructor for university affiliated institute kids program –Summer Junior Camp.
3. Duties and Responsibilities:
1) Teach minimum of 20 hours a week (kids camp-4-6th grade students) – total 40 hours
2) Develop supplementary teaching materials or tests
3) Write reports on students¡¯ progress or class evaluation
4) Attend various professional events such as workshops, professional lectures, orientation for new program/curriculum or all other job related meetings
4. Required Qualifications:
● Native speaker of English (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales)
● Bachelor's degree from English (as the first language) spoken countries
● Masters in TESOL, Linguistics, Education, English are preferred.
● Applicants with TESOL certificates are preferred
5. Period of employment: 10 days. (weekdays, July 27th – August 09th, 2018)
There will be a training workshop in July. (No extra payment for workshop. It is included in total payment.)
6. Payment : \1,400,000
B. Full-time
1. Starting date of employment: August 27, 2018
2. Position: full-time English instructor for university affiliated institute English classes for adult-learners (non-credit and credit classes).
3. Duties and Responsibilities:
A. During the semester: Teach minimum of 15 hours a week (credit University classes and non-credit adult class) - It is different during the summer and winter terms.
B. Develop supplementary teaching materials or tests
C. Write reports on students¡¯ progress or class evaluation
D. Attend various professional events such as workshops, professional lectures, orientation for new program/curriculum or all other job related meetings
4. Required Qualifications:
● Native speaker of English (USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales)
● Master¡¯s degree with 2 years of teaching experiences
● Bachelor's degree from English (as the first language) spoken countries with 4 years of teaching experiences
1) M.A. in TESOL, Linguistics, Education, English are preferred.
2) Applicants with TESOL certificates and over 2 years teaching experiences at University level
5. Period of employment: 12 months. (August 1, 2018 – July 31, 2019)
There will be a training workshop in August.
6. Salary and benefits: commensurate with career/educational achievements
a) Hourly position. You¡¯ll be paid by the hours you teach in the program. Hourly pay for non credit classes starts from 29,000 won/hour and Hourly pay for credit University classes are 50,000 won/hour.
b) Partial health insurance
c) Other benefits
7. Hiring Process: 1st – Resume Screening
2nd – Interview & Demo Lesson
3rd – Final Interview
8. Please send your resume, cover letter to no later than June 24th, 2018.
- Could be hired earlier than that if there is any qualified candidate.
Only email application please. No phone calls will be accepted. Applicants who make it past the first stage will be invited to an in-person presentation and interview.
9. Other Requirements
● Sealed and signed official degree and transcript must be sent directly to Konkuk University Language Institute.
● Proof of employment may be brought at the time of interview in person.
● Interviewees are solely responsible for all transportation, hotel, and any other expenses.
● After the first resume screening process the following additional documents must be brought in at the time of interview:
1) Criminal Background Check should be ready for visa process
2) Original undergraduate or graduate degrees and official transcripts
3) A copy of the first page of your passport
4) A copy of the Alien Registration Card (front & back)
Two letters of reference
(Reference letters should be current, signed, and sealed by the person giving the reference.)
- When you apply for it, please indicate the position you are going to do such as type A(part-time) or B(Full-time).