Full-time Teaching Position
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Dept of English Education, Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Dept of English Education, Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University, apply now for this great job to teach English in Japan. More job details below.
About the Job
Job Announcement: Full-time Teaching Position
Junsaburo Kamitani
Dean, Faculty of Education
1. Institution: Department of English Education, Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University (National University Corporation), Japan
2. Rank & Title: Specially Appointed Instructor or Specially Appointed Associate Professor
3. Employment: Full-time (Non-tenure track)
4. Term of Employment: A full-time one-year contract, renewable each year (maximum of 5 years) based on mutual consent.
5. Field of Specialization: English phonetics or applied linguistics
6. Job Outline:
(1) Academic subjects related to English phonetics and applied linguistics for undergraduate English education major
(2) General English (reading, writing, English conversation)
(3) Other subjects related to English education and general English
(4) Academic writing
(5) Entrance examination duties (designing and scoring the English language portions of entrance exams, etc.)
(6) Additional time for office hours and other administrative responsibilities.
7. Requirements:
(1) Master’s degree or above in an appropriate subject area. No prior teaching experience required. This is an excellent position for newly graduated applicants.
(2) Applicant should be a native speaker of English or have native-like English fluency (must have an appropriate degree in one of the above fields.)
(3) Proficiency in Japanese sufficient to perform administrative duties in Japanese is preferable.
8. Starting Date: 1 October 2018
9. Application Deadline: 6 June 2018 (JST)
10. Documents to Be Submitted:
(1) Curriculum Vitae and email address
(2) Full list of academic publications and research achievements
(3) Full text of any publications, along with a one-page abstract of each (dissertation, thesis, conference papers, or peer reviewed articles, etc.)
11. Address for Submission of Documents: You may choose to send your documents by mail (Option 1) or E-mail (Option 2).
(1) If sending by mail:
Please send your documents by registered mail with “Application for full-time teaching position, Department of English Education” in red on the envelope. Your documents generally
will not be returned. If you wish to have your documents returned, please enclose an envelope with a payment-on-delivery label.
Dean, Junsaburo Kamitani, Faculty of Education, Kagoshima University
1-20-6 Korimoto, Kagoshima, 890-0065 Japan
(2) If sending by E-mail:
Full text may be sent in PDF to the address below:
niwas@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp&n bsp;
12. Inquiries:
Saki Niwa, Coordinator, Department of English Education
E-mail: niwas@edu.kagoshima-u.ac.jp p>
*We will be unable to answer inquiries about the results of screening.
13. Selection Procedure:
(1) Document screening
(2) Notification of finalists
(3) Interviews are conducted onsite or through Skype based on individual consideration (Note: Transportation and accommodation costs for attending onsite interviews will be acquired by the applicant.)
14. Compensation
(1) Monthly salary is 260,000 yen (before taxes). Additional research expense funding is also provided and determined by each academic department. Funding must be used within one year.
(2) Social insurance (medical support) and commuting allowance are provided.
(3) Housing expenses, dependency allowance, summer and winter bonuses, and retirement allowance are not provided.
15. Additional Information:
* Working hours are based on the discretionary labor system. (More specifically, a typical workday is 8 hours long and you are able to choose when you would like to begin and end your shift. As for the breaks, it is up to you when you would like to take them and for how long. You will work at the university on weekdays and be paid according to a predetermined number of hours (8 hours) instead of your actual working hours. Basically, you will be paid the same amount regardless of the actual working hours.)
* If employed, Visa sponsorship will be provided.
* If employed, the applicant should live in or near Kagoshima City. Accommodations for foreign staff are available at this university for a reasonable rent.
* Any personal information supplied in your application will be strictly protected according to the regulations of Kagoshima University and used for no other purpose than for employment selection.