International School Teaching Positions Up to 30k+ a month!
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Red Brick Education
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Red Brick Education, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
International School Teaching Positions Up to 30k+ a month! - English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Business, PE, Primary, Secondary, Music, IT, Art
website - http://redbrick.ed ucation
Red Brick Education recruits for international schools across China. We currently have many outstanding vacancies for 2018/2019. These positions are all well paid positions 15-30k+ depending on experience and qualifications. Applicants need to be eligable for a work visa in China, so originating from UK, USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand.
Please email your CV and details to - for more details of any of the following positions! At this time of year we constantly fill and get new positions daily, so please also contact us with speculative applications, we are in touch with many different schools in China.
High School English Teacher - Changzhi
Primary / Middle School English Teacher - Changzhi
Primary / Middle School Science Teacher - Changzhi
Maths Teacher - A Level and IB - Wuxi
Maths Teacher - A Level - Nanjing
Physics Teacher - AP - Wuxi
Physics Teacher - A Level - Nanjing
Physics Teacher - IB - Changchun
Maths and Physics Teacher - A Level - Nanjing
Chemistry and Physics Teacher - AP - Suzhou
IB Coordinator - Nanjing
English Primary School Teacher - Nanjing
English Secondary School Teacher - Nanjing
IT Teacher - Primary - Nanjing
Drama Teacher - Nanjing
Primary P.E. Teacher - Tongxiang
Secondary Maths/ICT Teacher - A Level - Tongxiang
Secondary Music Teacher - A Level - Tongxiang
Secondary Art Teacher - A Level - Tongxiang
Physics Teacher - AP - Hangzhou
Geography/English Teacher - AP - Hangzhou
Computer Science - AP - Hangzhou
Economics and Statistics - AP - Hangzhou
Theatre Drama - IB - Langfang
Business - IB - Langfang
P.E. - IB - Langfang
Music - IB - Langfang
Primary School Teacher - Jiaxing
Secondary School English Teacher - Shanghai
PE Teacher Primary and Secondary - Shanghai
Primary School English Teacher - Shanghai
Kindergarten - IB - Changsha
Primary - IB - Changsha
Music - IB - Changsha
ESL - IB - Changsha
Hangzhou - Female High School English Teacher