Academic English Post: teach Academic English to college freshmen
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Zhejiang University City College
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Zhejiang University City College, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Academic English Post: teach Academic English to college freshmen in an international, joint English Foundation Program in Hangzhou, China
Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC)
Hangzhou City—host of the 2016 G20 Summit; home to the beautiful and historic Grand Canal; and headquarters for China’s Tencent—has long been regarded as among China’s most enjoyable cities. Located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang University City College (ZUCC) is now seeking applicants to fill one (1) Academic English teaching position at its joint institute with New Zealand’s University of Waikato, NZUWI, equipped with advanced-technology classrooms.
N.B., This position is available only to a teacher whose first language is English.
Academic English Post: teach Academic English to college freshmen in an international, joint English Foundation Program
Qualifications preferred: MA, Applied Linguistics or MA, TEFL/TESL OR BA/BS plus DELTA or CELTA; three years of verifiable Academic English teaching experience; familiarity with APA writing/research system; high MSWord proficiency; some PowerPoint proficiency; some Excel proficiency
Start date: beginning of September 2018
Work details: Teach a maximum of 18 45-minute teaching hours per week; Adhere to the assigned course/paper outlines, syllabi, student assignments, assessments and record-keeping (including attendance) for the courses taught; Participate in developing assessments and assessment rubrics aimed at standardizing course assessments and their marking and scoring; Mark and score assessments according to these rubrics
Contract: one-year renewable; full-time; second contract extendable to 2-3 years
Salary: 10 months paid at a minimum of RMB17,000/month for MA/MS holders; 10 months paid at a minimum of RMB15,000/month for BA/BS holders
Benefits: free, fully-furnished, private, on-campus apartment accommodation with utility allowances; free access to Internet and research facilities; lunch subsidy; health insurance in China; international flight reimbursement
China “Z (work) visa” and “Residence permit” requirements: 1) apostille verification of degree diploma by applicant’s home-country Embassy of China; 2) verification of criminal background check by applicant’s home-country Embassy of China; and 3) original employment reference(s) stating teaching employment position(s) and dates for a minimum of two (2) years of English-teaching experience
Application process: send an email containing a brief self-introduction (with your availability to start date) and an attached CV/résumé to N.B., Email subject line must only state “Academic English Post,” as all others will not be accepted. Our apologies, but only applicants selected for an initial, required interview (via Skype/WeChat) will receive replies.