Amazing teaching opportunity in the beautiful Yunnan province
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Shane English School Yuxi
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by Shane English School Yuxi, apply now for this great job to teach English in China. More job details below.
About the Job
Founded in Shanghai in 2000, Shane English School China (S.E.S.C), currently operates over 40 Schools in over 24 different cities throughout the whole of China. Shane English School, Yuxi was established in July 2008 and has become one of the best and most effective English schools in Yunnan province. Here in Yuxi we have an on-going commitment to the support and development of our teachers and students alike. We pride ourselves on how well we look after our teachers both inside and outside of the school and provide a professional, well organized and relaxing work environment. Our modern, well equipped school, excellent teaching materials and engaging learning environment means that our present staff compliment of 7 native English speaking teachers can easily help the children to achieve the highest educational standard possible.
Yunnan is the most diverse province in all China, both in its extraordinary mix of peoples and in the splendor of its landscapes. That combination of superlative sights and many different ethnic groups has made Yunnan the trendiest destination for China’s exploding domestic tourist industry.
Shane English School Yuxi was established in 2008 and has been growing ever since, now having over 700 students. One of the largest TEFL organizations in Asia, Shane English School is a well-respected British company with schools in Taiwan, Vietnam, Japan and China. SESC was established in Shanghai in 2000 and currently has over 40 schools in China, teaching over 5000 students and employing hundreds of academic and non-academic staff. We expect our teachers to be well trained and motivated. In return, we offer excellent rates of pay as well as on-going personal development and assistance.
On arrival all teachers will undergo an initial week long Young Learners Training Course followed by on-going observation and feedback. At SESC we provide our own course materials and books, working to a set syllabus and course guide. This enables us to offer the perfect stress free teaching environment for the teacher to quickly achieve the results and
standards that our schools offer to the students. In return for this quality of teaching we take great care of our teachers.
All teachers will be found accommodation on arrival to suit their personal requirements and any initial start-up costs will be covered by the school. Further to the professional support offered by our Academic managers and staff, each school has its own Welfare Officer to cater for any personal/health care a teacher may need during their stay.
Job summary
• Students: 4-16 year old
• Class sizes: 6-16 Students
• 18 teaching hours per week
Salary: 8200RMB p.c.m. with quarterly bonuses and 3000RMB end of contract bonus
• 22 days paid holiday
• Airfare reimbursement, Visa, Health Insurance
• No hidden office hours
• Low cost of living, low rent (average 1300RMB p.c.m)
• Must be a native English speaker from an English speaking country
• Must hold a bachelors degree
• Must hold an English teaching certificate such as CELTA, DELTA, TESL, TEFL
• Must hold a valid passport
• Plenty of passion & enthusiasm
Please send the following documents to:
• Cover Letter
• CV / Resume
• Copy of degree certificate
• Copy of teaching certificate
• Copy of picture page from passport