Vacancy of ESL/Subject Foreign Teacher in Griggs International Academy (High school)

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About the Job


Vacancy of ESL/Subject Foreign Teacher in Griggs International Academy (High school)

Teaching condition:
*Available start date: Aug.,2018


*Location:Huangpu district,Guangzhou,Guangdong

* Subject:English/Interest class/ECA class/other subjects

*Salary:Maximum 28,000 RMB monthly(depends on q ualifications and teaching experience)

*Teaching Load: From Mon to Fri,8:00~12:00,14:00~17:30,clock in an d clock out

*2000 RMB housing reimbursement per month
*Up to 7000 RMB flight reimbursement
*Sponsored legal Z work visa

* Summer holiday: about 1.5 months/Winter holiday: about 1 month

(60% salary during holiday)

*Bonus of contract completion:3,000-5,000RMB

* Meal: School canteen provides 3 meals from Monday to Friday

* Free hotel accommodation during your first 3 days arrival

* Medical insurance

*Age group: high school students

*Students per class:25-50

Native Speaker

bachelor’s degree or above

Teaching Certification/Related Subject Teaching Certificate

One-year work experience or above

Must be qualified for Z visa

Non-criminal background check

Teaching license is required for the subject teacher

If you are interested, Please send your CV/Resume, Passport, Education Diploma/Teaching certificate relevant, one recent photo copy and Reference Letter to: /

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