English Preparatory Program (EPP) Instructors
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American University of the Middle East
This ESL English teaching position has been posted by American University of the Middle East, apply now for this great job to teach English in Kuwait. More job details below.
About the Job
The American University of the Middle East (AUM) is one of the leading newly operating universities in Kuwait. AUM aims at creating a student-centered learning environment towards preparing a generation of innovative achievers who are passionate to learn and apply by doing. The EPP at AUM provides an intensive English language program to some of its students who need some remedial courses before starting their degree courses.AUM is now looking for full -time native English speakers with the following qualifications:
• Masters in TESOL, TEFL, Applied Linguistics, or a related area is a must.
• CELTA or any other similar certificate is a plus.
• A minimum of two years teaching experience at a university or college level.
Only online applications are accepted, interested candidates shall fill the online application form on www.aum.edu.kw careers section and attach their resumes along with 3 Recommendation letters and the transcript of their last degree.
Skills Required:
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