Teach English in South Korea

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This ESL English teaching position has been posted by EslWisdom, apply now for this great job to teach English in South Korea. More job details below.

About the Job


Does the thought of finding a good paying job in this difficult economy worry you?? Teaching English in South Korea offers you the chance to experience another part of the world, while earning and saving considerable amounts of money.
There are a lot of English teaching job openings in S. Korea for native speakers. Our firm specializes in providing very exciting opportunities to teach English in S. Korea.


Job Description;
*Teach small group of students, pre K - 12th grade.
* Teaching conversation, reading and writing English
*Lead activities in English
* Monthly Salary: $2,000~2.500 (3% Tax)
* 22-30 hours / week, Overtime pay of $18~$35/hr for any additional class time
* Severance pay: 1 month salary for completion of contract
* Free Round trip airfare
* Free furnished Studio apartment, Settlement allowance of 300,000 won (optional)
* Vacation: 15-20 paid vacation days/year and national (Korean) holidays
*Medical coverage and National Pension: 50% paid by employer
*Salary +Free Housing +3% taxes are equivalent to over $40,000/Year in U.S.
*Recent Photo
*Date of Availability

We specialize in recruiting native English speakers to teach English in South Korea.
This is not training program. Please visit our website: http://jobinkorea.co.kr/ To apply, please feel free to call us at 1.201 286 9947, please email your resume to: esltutorjob@gmail.com. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
We will promptly reply to all emails. Also please REMEMBER to give us your address, phone numbers, picture of yourself and the best time to contact you.




Skills Required:
* Citizen of U.S.A, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, U.K., Ireland or South Africa
*Bachelor or higher degree (All majors are welcome, No experience required)
* No criminal record
*1 year contract (E-2 VISA holder can stay in Korea for a year. This is renewable)

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